2010年5月31日 星期一

how to say 广东话 不是寃家不聚头 in English?


不是寃家不聚头       = dogs and cats are sure to meet(意译)


                = enemies are bound to meet in the same place(意译)



                = if they were not opponents, they would not meet together(直译literlization)


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how to say 叉腰 in English?





 = rest one’s hands on the hips


 = stood with arms akimbo


2010年5月30日 星期日

how to say 广东话 不打自招 in English?



不打自招 = make a confession without duress(意译)


         = self confess without being beaten(直译literlization)



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how to say 叉烧包 in English?


叉烧包 = steam bun stuffed with grilled pork



2010年5月29日 星期六

how to say 广东话 不打不相识 in English?





= no discord, no concord(意译)

= build up friendship after an exchange of blows(意译)


 = no fighting, no friends are made(直译literlization)



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how to say 测醉器 in English?



测醉器 = drunkometer

       = alcometer

       = intoximeter


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2010年5月28日 星期五

how to say 广东话 也文也武 in English?





也文也武 = make a show of power(意译)


         = swagger about(意译)



         = be well-versed in polite letters and maritial arts(直译literlization)



how to say 测谎机 in English?





 = lie detector

 = polygraph

 = pathometer


2010年5月27日 星期四

how to say 广东话 上梁唔正下梁歪 in English?



上梁唔正下梁歪 = those below will follow the bad example set by those above(意译)



               = if the upper beam is crooked, the lower one will be out of plumb (直译literlization)



2010年5月26日 星期三

how to say 广东话 上当 in English?




上当 = be fooled(意译)

     = be caught with chaff(意译)

     = be duped(意译)

     = can be put in pledge(意译)



= be taken in  (直译literlization)


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how to say 草裙舞 in English?


草裙舞 = hula-hula


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2010年5月25日 星期二

how to say 广东话 上得山多终遇虎 in English?




= the fish which nibbles at every bait will be caught(意译)



= The one who goes up mountains too often will one day meet a tiger(直译literlization)


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how to say 草包 in English?



草包 = good-for-nothing

     = blockhead



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2010年5月24日 星期一

how to say 广东话 上气唔接下气 in English?






 = be out of breath(意译)


 = be painting(意译)


 = the upper air cannot connect with the lower air (直译literlization)




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how to say 滄海一粟 in English?



滄海一粟 = a drop in the ocean




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2010年5月23日 星期日

how to say 广东话 口轻轻 in English?




口轻轻 = make easy promises(意译)




      = the mouth is light(直译literlization)


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2010年5月22日 星期六

how to say 蚕茧 in English?



蚕茧 = silkworm cocoon



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how to say 广东话 口疏疏 in English?

广东话 口疏疏   这话英语怎么说?



口疏疏 = make no secret of anything(意译)


       = be loose-lipped(意译)



       = the mouth slips(直译literlization)


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2010年5月21日 星期五

how to say 广东话 口窒窒 in English?





= stammer out(意译)


= stutter out(意译)


= hum and ha(意译)



= the mouth obstructs(直译literlization)




how to say 殘花敗柳 in English?





= withered flowers and dead willows --- fallen woman, faded beauty

2010年5月20日 星期四

how to say 广东话 口爽荷包垃 in English?





= words pay no debts(意译)


= words come out fast, money goes out slow(意译)



= mouth is brisk but purse is stickly(直译literlization)





how to say 彩霞 in English?


彩霞 = rosy clouds

     = pink clouds


E.g. The sky was glowing with rosy clouds 


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2010年5月19日 星期三

how to say 广东话 口甜舌滑 in English?




口甜舌滑 = be honey tipped (意译)

         = oil one’s tongue



         = the mouth is sweet and the tongue is smooth (literlization直译)





how to say 君子爱财,取之以道 in English?





= a righteous man makes money in righteous ways


2010年5月18日 星期二

how to say 广东话 口是心非 in English?





= carry fire in one hand and water in the other(意译)


= speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek(意译)



= the mouth says “yes’, but the heart says “no” (直译)



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how to say 擦脂抹粉 in English?



擦脂抹粉 = paint and powder



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2010年5月17日 星期一

how to say 广东话 口垃湿 in English?





= between-meal nibbles(意译)


= snacks(意译)


= the odds and ends for the mouth(直译)




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how to say 步步為營 in English?



= advance and consolidate at every step


= make a stand at every advance


2010年5月16日 星期日

how to say 广东话 口多多 in English?





 = be loose-tongued(意译)


  = shoot off one’s mouth(意译)




  = many-mouthed(直译)






how to say 双眼布满血丝 in English?



双眼布满血丝 =the eyes are netted with little veins



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2010年5月15日 星期六

how to say 广东话 口水多过茶 in English?




= talk the hind leg off a dog(意译)


= have a loose tongue(意译)


= shoot off one’s mouth(意译)



= mouth water is more than tea(直译)


2010年5月14日 星期五

how to say 口不对心 in English?




 = carry fire in one hand and water in the other(意译)


  = speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek(意译)



  = the mouth is not compatible with the heart(直译)



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