千里送鹅毛, 物轻情意重
= the trifling gift sent from afar conveys deep affection(意译)
= the goose feather is sent from a thousand miles away;
it is light, but it is full of affection(直译)
千里送鹅毛, 物轻情意重
= the trifling gift sent from afar conveys deep affection(意译)
= the goose feather is sent from a thousand miles away;
it is light, but it is full of affection(直译)
千年道行一朝丧 = all the good deeds are spoilt by only an ill doing(意译)
= a thousand years’ high moral attainment loss in one morning(直译)
扯后腿 = hold back from action
E,g. Go head as you wish, I will not hold you back.
士(事)急马行田 = by hook or crook(意译)
= by fair means or foul(意译)
= act according to the circumstances(意译)
= when a soldier is in emergency, he lets the horse walk across the field(直译)
大鸡唔食细米 = care naught for triffles(意译)
= a big hen does not eat small rice(直译)
大觉瞓 = sleep on both ears(意译)
= be carefree(意译)
= not to care a pin(意译)
= have a big sleep(直译)
嘲讽 = sneer at
= jeer at
话里带着嘲讽 = there is a sting in his remark
嘲弄 = mock at somebody
= poke fun at somebody
大模尸样 = be haughty(意译)
= be in ostentatious manner(意译)
= a big mould like a corpse(直译)
心血來朝 = be seized with a sudden impulse
= have a sudden whim
= have a brainwave
大喊十 = a person who shouts out for trifles. (意译)
= a loud mouth (意译)
= a big shouter(直译)
大海捞针 = look for a needle in a bottle of hay (意译)
= fish a needle out of the ocean(意译)
= dredge a needle in a big sea(直译)
超凡入圣 = transcend and worldliness and attain holiness
= become a man of unrivalled wisdom
超尘拔俗 = transcend the petty and vulgar
= be outstanding in moral character
大炮友 = a teller of tall stories(意译)
= a man who fonds of tall big(意译)
= a canned-friend(直译)
大食细 = small fish are always the best food of big ones(意译)
= the big eat the small(直译)
大好鲜花插在牛屎里 = cast pearls before a swine(意译)
= come into bloom under night(意译)
= transplant a very good fresh
flower in a hump of cow’s manure(直译)
大好沉香当烂柴 = pure gold is regarded as copper(意译)
= waste one’s talent on a party job(意译)
= be unable to tell good and bad apart(意译)
= be sold like refuse(意译)
= the best lign aloe is regarded as decayed firewood(直译)
大方 = be liberal= be generous with one’s money = be graceful and poised(意译)
= be generous(直译)
大大话话 = estimate approximately(意译)
= inflatedly speaking(意译)
= tell a big lie(直译)
大石责死蟹 = bring pressure to bear on somebody(意译)
= pressure somebody into doing something(意译)
= a big rock suppresses a crab to death(直译)
长袖善舞 = powerful backing ensures success
= the wealth know how to manoeuvre
大小通吃 = sweep everything into one’s net(意译)
= sweep all before one(意译)
= big and small ones are all eaten (直译)
秋水共长天一色 = the autumn water merged into the vast sky in the distance
下扒轻轻 = talk at random(直译)
= only cackle without laying an egg(直译)
= the chin is light (直译)