2014年8月29日 星期五

How to say 生螆猫入眼 in English?


= fall in love in first sight  (意译free translation)

2014年8月27日 星期三

How to say 生虾咁跳 in English?


= have ants in one's pants  (直译literal translation)

= restless due to anger  (直译literal translation)

= jump like a living shrimp(直译literal translation)

2014年8月26日 星期二

How to say 生骨大头菜 in English?


= spoiled  (意译free translation)

= black salted turnip was born with bone (直译literal translation)

How to say 生安白做 in English?


= fictitious  (意译free translation)

= imaginary  (意译free translation)

= fabricate  (意译free translation)

2014年8月24日 星期日

How to say 生勾勾 in English?



= staying alive (意译free translation)

=subsist (意译free translation)

= uncooked (意译free translation)


= raw (直译literal translation)


2014年8月21日 星期四

How to say 生仔唔知仔心肝 in English?



= it is difficult to predict the will of people (意译free translation)



= when a son was born his parents do not know his heart and liver (直译literal translation)

2014年8月19日 星期二

How to say 生人唔生胆 in English?




= cannot say boh to a goose(意译free translation)


= chicken hearted (意译free translation)


= as timid as a mose(意译free translation)


= a person was born with no gallbladder (直译literal translation)

2014年8月18日 星期一

How to say 生人勿近 in English?




= a person who is as hard as nails (意译free translation)


= a man who is hard to get along with others (意译free translation)


 = a guy with whom a living man don’t come closer to  (直译literal translation)

2014年8月16日 星期六

How to say 打个特 in English?



= be shocked (意译free translation)


= be amazed  (意译free translation)


= be startled  (意译free translation)


2014年8月15日 星期五

How to say 打错主意 in English?



= get a wrong idea  (意译free translation)



2014年8月14日 星期四

How to say 打烂砂盆问到笃 in English?


= insist on getting to the bottom of the matter (意译free translation)

= breaking an earthernware pot and ask to the bottom (直译literal translation)