2009年11月4日 星期三

How to say this in English? 这话这词英语怎么说


流鼻涕 = have a running nose
= have a snotty nose

snot = 鼻涕

一个流鼻涕小朋友 = a snotty child

鼻塞 = have a stuffy nose
=nasal 鼻腔 congestion 挤塞

鼻酸 = feel a sting in one's nose
e.g. She feels a sting in her nose and start weeping.流泪

擤鼻 = to blow one's nose

挖鼻 = to pick one's nose

拧鼻 = to tweak one's nose

哭鼻子 e.g. She turned on the waterworks.

